This story is over 5 years old.


If These Hideous Uniforms Are Real, The Cavaliers Should be Disbanded

Please don't make any of these uniforms, Cleveland.

1 of these 3 will debut tonight at @CavsWGUnited event as a new @Cavs uni. Here's a sneak peek. Which is your fav?
— Dan Gilbert (@cavsdan) October 21, 2015

The fourth one. The fourth one is my favorite, Dan, and I'll tell you why. The fourth one is my favorite because there are only three and all three make me wish I was involved in some horrible accident that left my eyes magnetized and I then walked into a silverware factory. No uniform should ever look like a knockoff burberry scarf or the horrible pair of boxers you made in Home Ec. class. I would sooner do an elaborate olympic dive into the Sarlacc on Tatooine than ever look at these things again.

The fourth one does not exist and it is easily my fav.