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That's So Ravin': Look Mom! Ravin's Right!

Got a burning question for Ravin? Email her with your thoughts, dilemmas, and all-out rants at

Last week we prevented you from looking like a total douche in your press shots. This week we are trying to help you rave in peace. It's ok if you're still fucking up, because Ravin is here for the kids. Got a burning question for our That's So Ravin? Email her with your thoughts, dilemmas, and all-out rants at

Dear Ravin,
Why do dudes always try to grind on me while I am dancing? How can I get them off my jock without being an uber-bitch?
Jessica K


Dear Jessica K,
Here is the deal. A nightclub is for dancing. So if you are going to a club and you are on a dance floor and you are getting mad when people want to dance with you then you are the problem. If you can't deal with it then you should probably take up knitting or something. Of course these people can be kind of extra sometimes, especially when you are trying to get in your own dance zone while your favorite DJ is playing, but you can handle it. I believe in you.

If they do get extra clingy and go into wasted clueless ass-grabbing mode here is what I would do- buy a bottle of water and keep it in your hand while you dance (providing both hydration and a dance-prop all night long). When a dirty butt-jabber rams up behind you mid-move just turn and "accidentally" spray him with water. Unfortunately you will still be an uber-bitch. That, or you could just fart on him? You are on your own girl.

Dear Ravin,
I love dancing and I want to be a DJ. I just got my first set of CDJs and I am 16 and want to go to all-age parties. My mom thinks I am going to turn into a crack addict. She is so out of touch. How do I convince her to let me go?

Dear D.B.,
I remember when I wanted to start going to raves. I was a young girl and very impressionable and my parents were all like "Hell no!". I bet your mom is just jealous because she didn't get to go to raves either, so why should you? And quit using learning to Dj as your excuse for wanting to go. Practice in your bedroom like every true music purist should.

I mean, I'm sure the caliber of party you'll be attending will feature some half-shaved head, leather wearing dweebo pounding the space bar on his laptop all night. And your mom's right- you'll probably start doing drugs. They are everywhere! Whatever drugs the space bar punding dweebo has are probably way better than bath salts. Right?

Got a burning question for Ravin? Email her with your thoughts, dilemmas, and all-out rants at