This story is over 5 years old.


We Are Live Streaming VIA Festival in Pittsburgh This Weekend

Tune in to watch crazy things like Zebra Katz, L-Vis 1990, Traxman, Blue Hawaii and more get down in a historical bank vault.

When it comes to exploring the intersection of music, art and technology in Pittsburgh (while having a great damn time), nothing comes close to VIA Festival. Not to sound like Stefon from SNL, but this festival really has everything: live shows, interactive art, educational conference, and even indie video games—in weird spaces like abandoned department stores and Gilded Age bank vaults, as well as local clubs, bars and museums.

We hate to see you missing out, so we're broadcasting live two of their biggest, danciest parties this weekend. All you have to do is tune in to the special live-stream link on both evenings. Because you know what they say… if you can't be there, just stream that shit.

ON FRIDAY: Tune in at 11pm EST for some techno mayhem from Hot Mass Special Edition Presented by Detour (FB)

ON SATURDAY: Tune in at 8PM EST for VIA Festival's main event—an A/V showcase in a historical building from the Gilded Age. (FB)