This story is over 5 years old.


This Hardcore Technospiritual Christian Organization Thinks Thom Yorke is an Agent of Satan

Generation for God has taken to Twitter to call out the Radiohead frontman.
Screenshot from the music video for Radiohead's "Lotus Flower"

The hardcore online Christian organization, Generation for God, has posted an infographic on Twitter suggesting that Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke is an agent of the devil. Posted with the caption "8 things that satan uses to enslave you and destroy you," the image features a photoshopped image of the artist with arrows around his face pointing to terms such as pornography, drugs, and disobedience to god's law.


Ever since they stopped making grunge and started experimenting with more obtuse forms, Yorke's band has caught a lot of flack over the years, sometimes getting called "unlistenable." That being said, Generation for God's critique of the band's sound is maybe a little over the top. It's one thing to not like an artist's sound or sensibility, and it's something else entirely to allege that they are fundamentally a pernicious force of evil.

On their website the organization says that its mission is to "use the web and all technology, to unmask the biggest lie of all time, the lie that 'God is dead', and replace it with the absolute truth that he is alive and is coming soon to judge us." On Music Day 2016, June 21, they posted another infographic saying that music should only promote love, science, and honor to god.

8 things that satan uses to enslave you and destroy you:
— Generation for God (@GenerationFGod) July 24, 2016

On a slightly less intense note, Radiohead's last album A Moon Shaped Pool made a heartbreaking case for unplugging from the internet. Can you guess which 10 Radiohead B-sides are better than most bands' singles?

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