This story is over 5 years old.

The No Photos Issue

The No Photos Issue

Hi, hello. Welcome to our November "No Photos" Issue. If you've gotten your hands on a print copy of the magazine, you know it's a sumptuously printed tome containing the drawerly works of 35 of our favorite drawers with nary a photo to be found.

Cover drawing by Edrem

Hi, hello. Welcome to our November "No Photos" Issue. If you've gotten your hands on a print copy of the magazine, you know it's a sumptuously printed tome containing the drawerly works of 35 of our favorite drawers with nary a photo to be found.

While we think that 90 pages of illustrated portfolios makes for good reading, we realized it might be a little much to spread that out over the course of an entire month on the website. So here's what we're going to do. Every morning we'll run a profile of a new artist we like along with some ginormous pictures for you to really delve into. Then at around noon (American noon), we'll put up something non-drawy like an interview with a guy who does stuff or an article about food. That sound good? Oh, and also keep your eyes on the blog for a whole bunch of extras from this issue and the last one, as well as new interactive features and so on.

Illustrations by J Penry. Click to enlarge