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Best Of The Rest: The Week In Creativity

A few our favorite things that happened in art, tech, and innovation this week.

*These Japanese full-body umbrellas will keep you dry, but may prevent you from making any new friends, ever. [DesignTaxi]

*This new start-up promises to deliver you from Saturdays at Ikea and Costco via mobile app. How will we get our Swedish meatball fix? [Wakefield]

* Your horoscope, now in GIF form. [The Cut]

* We found out the only person in the industry Tyler The Creator trusts is Kanye West. There should be more art world bro-mance movies. [Complex]


* 3D Generative Visualizations of Scientific Theories. [Visual News]

* More news was released on the Leaders in Software and Art (LISA) conference happening next week. Mostly just really loved the invite art (see below). [CreativeApplications]

*Artsy taught us about the modern Japanese design. [Artsy]

*You can now brew your coffee via smartphone [DesignBoom]

*Anish Kapoor and Arata Isozaki completed an inflatable mobile concert hall that will tour ravaged areas of Japan, and the internet went insane. [Dezeen]

*The New York Hall of Science revved up for the launch of their exhibit Empire Drive-In, a large-scale multimedia installation and outdoor theater made of reclaimed and recycled materials. [New York Hall of Science]

*Paper Magazine chose their 10 Must-see films to catch at the 51st NY FILM FESTIVAL. Jim Jarmusch made a vampire movie starring Tilda Swinton. [Papermag]

*These terrifying photos of bird-formations by artist Richard Barnes look post-apocalyptic. [FaithIsTorment]

*Artist David Briggs talked about his minimalist 3D paintings. There's a video and it's pretty cool. [VisualNews]

*It's Friday, so relax and unwind with this mesmerizing video of a rotating moon. [Rafaël Rozendaal]

Top image courtesy of DesignTaxi

Think we missed something awesome that happened in creativity this week? Let us know in the comments.