This story is over 5 years old.


Russ Liquid's "Speedster" Crosses West Coast Bass with 80s Sleeze

This feels like riding a gold-plated limo through outer space.

It's funky, it's earnest, and it's full of syrupy disco synths and finger popping bass—"Speedster," from West Coast producer Russ Liquid, is what you'd listen to while riding a gold-plated limo through outer space. Liquid, a jazzy multi-instrumentalist who is rarely seen without a horned instrument in his mouth, is currently on a summer tour with Gramatik—whose label, Lowtemp, will release Liquid's next album In Love later this summer. If you love Chromeo but wish Dave 1 would shut up sometimes, you're going to love this.


Russ Liquid's next album In Love comes out on June 26 on Lowtemp
