This story is over 5 years old.


Take JoeFarr's "RPM" For a Spin or 33

The Bloc favourite's back with a new EP on...Bloc and you can hear a cut from it right now.

We get the feeling that UK producer JoeFarr quite likes Bloc. Not just content with playing the festival's upcoming 2016 instalment in March or releasing a new EP on their label, he's also soundtracked the trailer for the aforementioned weekend of techno-based festivities.

If you haven't seen it, it sounds a bit like a track from the soundtrack to Wipeout dragged down an alleyway by a bloke who's really, really pissed and is convinced that the kebab shop on the high street's distributing free doner wraps with extra chilli sauce, but only for the next thirty seconds so you've got to get there right now. If you don't like the idea of music that sounds like that then, sorry, there's no hope for you.

If you do, then you're in luck. To get you in the mood for the release of his upcoming RPM EP we're bringing you an exclusive listen to the lead track right now. Check it out below.

We get the feeling that UK producer JoeFarr quite likes Bloc. Not just content with playing the festival's upcoming 2016 instalment in March or releasing a new EP on their label, he's also soundtracked the trailer for the aforementioned weekend of techno-based festivities.

If you haven't seen it, it sounds a bit like a track from the soundtrack to Wipeout dragged down an alleyway by a bloke who's really, really pissed and is convinced that the kebab shop on the high street's distributing free doner wraps with extra chilli sauce, but only for the next thirty seconds so you've got to get there right now. If you don't like the idea of music that sounds like that then, sorry, there's no hope for you.

If you do, then you're in luck. To get you in the mood for the release of his upcoming RPM EP we're bringing you an exclusive listen to the lead track right now. Check it out below.

The RPM EP is out on Bloc on January 29th

Joe Farr is on Facebook // SoundCloud // Twitter

The RPM EP is out on Bloc on January 29th

Joe Farr is on Facebook // SoundCloud // Twitter