This story is over 5 years old.


Vessel: A Freaky Sci-Fi Horror Funded By Kickstarter

Mixing CGI with old school FX, director Clark Baker unleashes terror onboard a plane.

If you’re wondering what sort of sci-fi film projects are getting funding on Kickstarter, then look no further than this short film Vessel, by Clark Baker. It’s a sci-fi horror set on a flight which encounters a UFO, then things take a turn for the “uh-oh” as the poor passengers become alien fodder.

Rather than just using CGI for the FX, the filmmakers merge these with the prosthetic kind, the old school style seen in films like The Thing and Alien, which this film nods to—and you can tell when the monster makes its appearance. Once the flight gets highjacked, a thing with tentacles starts impaling airline staff in the head and then, well, let’s just say they better hope Sigourney Weaver’s onboard that flight somewhere.

Funded by Kickstarter, released on Vimeo—the democratic web at work.
