This story is over 5 years old.


And Out of the Syrup Haze Stumbled Kitty Pryde, Finally Getting the Tumblr-Wave Joke

Imagine Kreayshawn or, really, any other internet-famous rapper popular among the internet cool kids of 2012, and it's an image not so much startled by the spotlight, but stupefied by it. Your latest rap meme is Kitty Pryde and the Florida rapper's...

Imagine Kreayshawn or, really, any other internet-famous rapper popular among the internet cool kids of 2012, and it’s an image not so much startled by the spotlight, but stupefied by it. Your latest rap meme is Kitty Pryde and the Florida rapper’s maybe something different than a lot of things you’re already forgetting about, maybe something smarter and more-self-aware. Kitty Pryde gets it, at least. Over at Motherboard’s big sister Vice, Luke O’Neil has some good thoughts.


Of course it doesn’t hurt her impending online lovefest, already well underway, that her subject matter is all so internetty. It’s not hashtag rap, but reblog rap, ideas dragged and clicked over from one page to the next, assembled in incongruous collage—like an unfolding Tumblr of seizure-inducing gifs and the contradiction of a cute animal pic followed by a porn gif followed by a violent film still broadcast from within the frame of a teenager’s messy bedroom. "I don’t do it on purpose," she says of that meme-style. "Maybe I just think in internet. Oh my god, that’s horrible."

So, that’s the song that’s about to take everything over and I love thinking about the dimished population of people aware enough to ask how it even took everything over. Because we’re all in pretty much the same syrup haze and that does fucking weird things.


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