
  • Cuban Cockfights Are Bloody and Violent and Stinky

    We found our seats among the rusted steal poles that wrapped around the arena. Then we sat back hoping to cash in as two cocks ferociously clawed each other to death. If we won, we’d earn roughly 20 cents—a fair day’s wage for a country with an average...

  • The Future of Our Gay Neighborhoods

    We asked a sociologist about the evolution of places like London's Soho and San Francisco's Castro district, and why gay people tend to bunch together in the first place.

  • Santería Is Cuba's New Favorite Religion

    After its centuries of underground existence, Santería is becoming an open practice, with participation coming from all levels of society. Representing a shared identity, Santería is a cultural inheritance, a dynamic form of worship, a religion...

  • Castro Files

    Material and Letter from the Cuban Communist for a Possible Penthouse Story

  • Frosted Dic Cakes

    Photos by Henry Hargreaves, cakes by Amirah Kassem.

  • What a World Without Hugo Chavez Looks Like

    Hugo Chavez, the charismatic Venezuelan president, succumbed to his two-year bout with cancer on Tuesday, pushing the Latin American country into a new state of limbo. As the whole world watches, Venezuela now begins its inevitable transition to a post...