The Kids Issue

  • Shiny Grills

    Rappers are just big kids, right? They dress in those enormous, oversized T-shirts and baggy trousers like little children wearing their dad's clothes. They also love shiny things.

  • Tidbits

    AIDS has been such a burden on the fag lifestyle that a lot of them are just bending over with exhaustion and saying, “Fuck it.” Instead of running from the disease, they are barebacking it and embracing their fate.

  • Vice Fashion - Kids Vs Kids

    We asked kids to style kids.

  • Tons Of Fun

    I just went to the grand Sumo championships in Tokyo. It was heavy.

  • Vice Fashion - Ideal Kids

    Kids talk about style.

  • Kids in Toyland

    If your parents were hippies, chances are you were only allowed to play with stuff you built yourself, or found in the woods. But if you had at least one corporate kid in your class you'll know that there was some good shit out there too.

  • Matchmaker, Matchmaker

    Paloma and Reuben are both 14-years-old, in grade eight and pretty cool. Earlier this year they dated for three months, although the first month was unofficial so it doesn't really count.

  • Vice Mail

    I was a big fan of the Story Awards, but in “Gremlin from Dublin” it said, “A friend of a friend of theirs…” Um, wasn’t there some big stink on the rules for the online story contest about no bullshit?

  • Coming Out Is A Bitch!

    "I’m 13. At first I felt like everybody was abandoning me and everything. My best friend’s family had kind of taken me in. But when I came out they kind of just left me, and now they completely hate me."

  • Tourettes Sux

    Remember when you were a kid and the teacher made you name birds on a poster in front of the whole class and one of them was called Bearded Tit, and ever since that day you were "tit girl?" Now imagine that, but instead you yelled "motherfucker."

  • Anti-social

    An ASBO is an Anti-Social Behaviour Order given out to people who are always mucking about and getting in bother with the pigs.

  • Vice Fashion - Baby Baby Mommas

    Photos by Richard Kern.